What's been happening on the farm?

Date Posted: April 30th

After what felt like a long grey, wet and windy winter the hope of spring suddenly came upon us in March. Find out what’s been happening on the farm since then as the mad rush towards the relaunch of our bigger, better veg box service gets into full swing..


Seed sowing for us typically starts around Valentines Day, when the days slowly start to feel like they are finally getting longer and the warmth of spring is not too far away. In February we sowed radish, turnips, peas and broad beans, but not a lot else! It has been March and April where seed sowing has come into full force, with everything from cucamelons to celeriac being sown in this time. At the time of writing the polytunnel is bursting with seedlings now ready to get into the soil, in preparation for ending up on your plates!


We have been frantically building our no dig / low till beds over the late winter and into early spring and we have been planting out our crops as soon as we are able. We are particularly excited about our tenderstem broccoli seedlings which we hope to be able to harvest later in June or early July (depending on the weather of course!).

Some of our earliest planted crops: radish, turnip, spinach, broad beans and lettuce for example, will feature in our first boxes when we launch again in June. This will feature alongside fresh produce from organic and local Cornish growers; such as mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes and early season peas!


Whilst there has been an awful lot happening in the field, there has also been an awful lot happening off the field, as it were. We have been super busy making the finishing touches to this very website, so it can finally go live and allow our veg box service to grow!

It’s also been a busy time ensuring we are set up to run a successful veg box service. We have been crop planning to ensure we have the right produce available at the right time and liaising with other growers and suppliers to make sure we get only the best, fresh fruits and vegetables for our customers.

Alongside this we’ve been making sure we have everything we need ordered and in place: boxes, harvest crates, string, seeds, trays, tools and much more!


Tomorrow April becomes May and we will edge ever closer to our relaunch date to deliver our tasty veggies to our amazing and patient customers in the local area.

Over the next few weeks we hope to get our second polytunnel up and running – this will house our cucumbers, peppers and aubergines which we hope will start featuring in our boxes from July! We also need to purchase a cold store, which will allow us to harvest produce straight from the field and maintain it’s freshness as quickly as possible before they get packed and delivered to you lovely lot!


All Change Ahead

Changes to our delivery structure

From February we are bringing the cut off time for orders to 9pm on Mondays. We are also having to increase our minimum order value for free delivery to £20.

Look out for a full explanation in our most recent blog post and newsletter.